Monday, January 28, 2013

Mangga and Bagoong

Hilaw (unripe) na Mangga is a truly Filipino food, you can find Mangga everywhere in the Philippines. However, if you want a Ripe or Sweet Mangga, you should go to Guimaras to experience the taste of a very sweet Mangga. 

The best partner of Hilaw na Mangga is Bagoong, I don't know what is the English term for this if it does exist :). Bagoong is truly a Philippine delecacy, it is fermented shrimp or sometimes fish. Some people prepare a spicy Bagoong and some are not, depending on the region in the Philippines

This is one of the favorite snack of the not only Filipinos but also the foreigners who are visiting the Philippines for a relaxing vacation. Mangga and Bagoong are just like husband and wife, they are the best partner. The sourness of Mangga is perfect to the saltiness of the Bagoong. However, dont worry, if you don't have a Bagoong, you can enjoy eating a Mangga dipping it in soy sauce (spicy or not) and simply a salt.

There is a funny thing about Mangga, you may experience drooling while seeing peeling the Mangga skin and Filipinos called it "naglalaway". Another thing, women that are pregnant usually wants to eat this kind of snack.

I love to eat Mangga dipping it in a spicy Bagoong. I love it very much. In addition, after eat up the Mangga, one thing I will do; look for more Mangga and eat again. Hahahah :D . This is a certified a Pinoy food. Enjoy eating.

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